Friday, January 21, 2011

What does it mean to run?

It's amazing who my God is and what He can do. All I can say about this week is that I have truly been kept in the palm of His hands. He is the quiet, when no one's around. He is the strength of my heart. He teaches me often to run to Him.

Various and assundry events have prevented me from running this last week, but I am really looking forward to getting back on track soon. One of the days I ran my 4 miles, for some reason it was harder than all the rest. No one was running beside me, I didn't have any distractions, no ipod, nothing to keep on my mind, but things that made me want to give up.
Earlier that day I was reading in the Song of Solomon. I know what you're thinking haha. If you are anything like me, which most people might not be, but if perhaps you are... You read the bible, but the "song of solomon" is a bunch of mushy stuff for married people thank you very much. =P But it isn't so. My God is My Shepard. The same Shepard that is talked about in the Song of Solomon. I am what He cares for and loves, and that is His love story for me.
So back to running... I was running along, little sisters patiently waiting for me in the car, and I'm thinking my staaars, this is harder than usual for some reason. Maybe I can just run 3, after all the girls are waiting.

The truth is I needed God's love confirmed to me. I know it always in my head, but sometimes I don't FEEL it. I don't see it. I don't hear it. I feel empty and torn. But God's children don't always FEEL loved, they don't always SEE that they are loved, and they don't always HEAR it.
-We are to walk by faith, not by sight-
When we walk by faith, He is FAITHFUL to provide everything, time and time again, every single need.
SO I'm running and I'm running, and I start to think about the Lord, and I think of a verse that has to do with running...
-Song of Solomon 1:3
What does it mean to run? Does that mean jog? Limp... waddle lol? Walk fast? Stay steady? Keep a pace? What does it mean to RUN after the Lord?? When I think of run now, I think sweat. I think fast. I think challenging. I think effort. Do I put as much work into my service for the Lord as I do to run 4 miles? Do I leave EVERYTHING behind me when I RUN, truly RUN after Christ? Or did I wake up this morning look at my bible and waddle over there. Slump to my knees to pray, and yawn as I checked it off my to-do-list for a good little Christian girl. I believe there's a difference, and I know I need to make a change.


Cody said...

Awesome post! As far as the Song of Solomon subject. I've long thought one of the best 'pictures' of how our relationship with the Lord should be is that of a couple truly 'in love'. Everyone who's ever been 'in love' knows that in their heart too. Just as when we're 'in love' all our thoughts revolve around that person, we constantly wonder what they're thinking about, what they think about this or that, we wonder how we can be a blessing to them, etc., and most importantly our number one priority is to just spend time together with them and truthfully we think that all about another imperfect human. How much more should we be 'in love' in the same manner with the wholly, holy, perfect, eternal, good, wonderful, great God, our Saviour Jesus Christ! PTL! Regarding the running subject (other than that's complete craziness, lol) the first 7 chapters of Hebrews 12 is great for that subject. He points out that to run our best for the LORD patiently we have to get rid of not only the sin but extra weight too. The greatest enemy of the best isn't the bad, but rather the 'good enough'. Mike Lester used to say something like there's nothing sinful or wrong with carrying a 45 pound weight over your head during a marathon, but it sure will slow you down a lot. That passage also points out that it's our mind that has a danger of being weary and fainting if we don't get our strength from looking unto Jesus Christ! It's got many other great points too, but I've listed enough already. You can look at them for yourself. I feel like I'm preaching on your blog which wasn't the intent. Great post though it was a blessing. Have a great day in the LORD! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love! Here I always find a lot of helpful information for myself. Thanks you for your work.
Webmaster of and
Best regards

blondevue... said...

Emily, this post came at perfect timing. Verses on running so good... And am I Running towards and for God like I do for other things in my life? I run a lot harder when I'm not looking at my phone. Same with church or my bible or serving... If I'm looking at everything else I am not running full speed towards God and His word. Thank you, really have missed you lately. Glad we're still getting to have talks like this just over blogging :) not the same as in person but its highly encouraging none the less.

Cody- what a great way to think about it. The, mind and weights that you left in the comment. Its amazing how much lighter LIFE is when we are in the right place with God.

You friends are an encouragement! Tori

Mrs.Lambert said...

ahhh...i see your back to blogging...its about time(:

It's a good life said...

No Cody, I really appriciated what you had to say. Always do!!