Friday, January 02, 2009

The Start of A New Year...

Yesterday night at evening services, Pastor Ray said that he wanted to do something a little bit different that night. He said that he wanted for everyone to pick a verse or find a song to sing. At first it sounded okay,,, but I had no idea how much it would mean to our church. It's amazing how God can bring revival... even when you aren't expecting it. It was truly an awesome way to start off the new year... I wish I could decribe it... but it was just too special. Things like that are seldom and sweet. I ended up getting wrapped up in lots of specials, because Shannon wanted someone to sing with her, and Michelle didn't want to sing a solo either. Plus, my Dad wanted the whole family to sing together, and Jen wanted to sing one with all us kiddos. =] Then I had verse that I really felt like I should read too... especially after my Aunt Annette and Aunt Cindy both talked about witnessing to people and then getting discouraged when we can't see them get saved. God's perfect timing is what matters, we just have to be patient enough to wait, and faithful enough to consistantly pray for them.

"Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."

Anywaysss... =] It's good not to be sick anymore. Thankfully I recovered rather quickly. I reallyyyyyyyyyyy don't like being sick. It's pretty much the worst. lol(:


Kassandra said...

I love you. :o) I loved this post. :o)

blondevue... said...

Thank you so much for the verse the other night. It was exactly what I needed and it meant alot to me that you sent it.
There are times I need a hug, a small smile from you would make my day brighter, but alas,,I turn to God, and just miss you over the miles. If I was a millionare I would mail you here.. :) My sunshine.

Kassandra said...

*ahem* time to post. :o)

Happy Girl said...

January 2nd was like TWO WEEKS AGO! Yah, so I think that you should put some verbage on here. =) Miss you chica.

Happy Girl said...

Just F to the Y to the I..... January 2nd was one month and two days ago. I just thought that you might want to know that. Love you babes!