Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, it's Thurday! ;)

I read this thing from Charles Spurgeon today, and I can't remember exactly what it said, but it said something like... oh forget it, hold on. Okay, I'm back... with the book. It says, "If we live, Jesus is will be with us; if we die, we shall be with Jesus." I read that and thought it was the coolest thing ever. The whole thing was about living for Jesus and not being afraid to die for him either. The ending paragraph says, "The truest lengthening of life is to live while we live, wasting no time, but using every hour for the highest ends. So be it this day." The ending sentence was what really got me. I have a tendency to read things and think about them for the next 10 minutes to and hour or 2 max, but it said simply and plainly "So be it this day". Just do it... in our words today. =0) Anyways I thought that was pretty cool, thought I would share it.
"The fear of the Lord prolongeth days; but the years of the wicked shall be shortened." ~Proverbs 10:27

This morning, I went to babysit for Mrs. Smith. Ansley and MaKenna are getting so big. I was over at their house for the morning. Once I got back I actually felt like doing my chores... I would have done them anyways, but not dreading it always helps. =) Life seems to be going by so quickly. Today it was so warm and sunny. Summer is really coming. I always look forward to summer... but I am not sure if I want things to get any more busy than they already are. School is getting done... but once I get done with it, along with chores, and helping with dinner, and going to town almost every other day, it seems like I don't have anytime anymore. God has definetly been giving me strength, and peace throughout the last couple of weeks.

A couple days ago, my mom and I turned in the paperwork for Hutch. I am hoping to take some nursing classes there this next year. What is so cool about them, is that they will count for my high school credits as well as my college credits. I am excited. I really have a peace about this. My parents are very happy with the idea, and are pushing me to do all that I can to make this work. I have a really good letter of recommendation from La Nae Bellamy. She works at the hospital and we get along really well. She is a really sweet lady. Her letter was above and way beyond what I was expecting. That should help a great deal. I have a slimmer chance of getting into the school, because I will just be going for particular classes, and not full time. But I also know a few people that work there, and they will help with getting me into the school. If it works out, I know God was in it, and if it doesn't it was His will. I am not at all worried.

I wrote this whole other paragraph... but then I decided it sounded way to depressing... and I didn't even mean for it too! So I just backspaced it all and am writing another one... or ending today's writing... umm... can someone tell me how to delete comments?? I don't know who that person is that wrote on my last post... and half the time I was reading, I couldn't understand what he was saying... for further notice... if I don't know you... then there's probably a reason. So don't comment. Thank you.



Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you figured out how to delete it!!! I was worried!!Did you get my e-mail?? I left an answer to your comment on my blog!! talk to you latOr!!

Happy Girl said...

That's really cool about Hutch. I wish now that I would have known back in the beginning of high school, what I wanted to do besides beauty school. Because here I am now with no college experience and wishing that I could have taken classes while they were paid for. OH well, all is lost. :-) I didn't see that post that you were talking about, but you should make it so that your comments are moderated. As in, when ever someone posts you have to accept it before it goes on the blog. Just a thought. :-) I'm really glad to hear that you are doing good. I miss you tons. I'm going to go ahead and go before this turns into a novel! :-)Love you,

Radar said...

Emily.... Good to hear from you again. I am praying that things will work out at Hutchison and will work out for the nursing program. Don't know if you have been around my blog recently.. but the Lord is really blessing me here lately.
Catch you later and hoping to hear from you again!

It's a good life said...

I should... I don't know how though. I'll try to figure it out. I thought that my thing was set to private too. Is that possible...?