I have been having an amazinggg time on the road with Tori. Driving is a lot of what we do. lol(o: Sleep isn't something we get. It's been awesome so far. Howeverrr, yesterday my phone was stolennn, which is quite the bummer. Lots of contacts are gone, some probably foreverrr... it's pretty sad. On a lighter noteee, hopefully be getting a brand new phone next week. Exciting stuff. Think I'm getting the new samsung touch.
I know that there's a lottt of problems going on in soooo many friends lives personal, public, they are everywhere. The desperate need for prayer is rising.
I've really been trying to take this time with Tori away from everyone else to draw closer to my God. To pray and strive to act as a daughter of the Highest. I have a hard time getting down the basics of my Christian life.
The area's I've really been praying hard about are having my daily devotions... DAILY. And not just if I can get it in, but to be faithful to it.
Prayerrr is another big one for me. I know I do not pray near as much as I ought.
Musiccc. Music is a terrible thing that continually draws me farther and farther away. Takes my mind off of the Spirit and places it on the flesh. What I want, need, etc. It's a struggle. It's a daily fight.
HUMBLENESS is a huge one... I seriously wonder why I have a problem with this one. What do I have to be proud of? A little success God blesses me with and I fall apart spiritually. It really is messed up.
Sooo I'd like to encourage you to pray for me, as I do for you. Put God first. Humble yourselves, get on your knees and pray to our King.
"If my people..." it's our choice. It's our decision to recklessly abandon everything we know and run to Christ only to please Him, and no one else. It's amazing how God works everything to good for those that LOVE... Him. Love constrains us... love... true love... will accomplish miracles.